
Salut! How are you?/Comment ca va? I am roaming the country-side, taking millions of pictures, practicing my french.. French has the “rrrr” thing which is a big huddle for me, but I will prevail! I am determined AND I have a very patient and persistent teacher. I visited my neighbor town, Villefranche-sur-mer, very authentic fishing town – the quiet and peaceful tone is so restful. I have read that many families have lived there for many generations.. isn’t that awesome. The town is home to a medieval castle I have yet to explore and a delicious ice cream parlor – yum! I hope you enjoy my video. XXOO ~ Take care of you.

2 thoughts on “Villefranche-sur-Mer

  1. The fishing village looks so peaceful. Each stop is my favorite! Looks like your days are full and you are really taking it all in.

  2. I really enjoyed watching this video. I agree: so peaceful-looking! Your French lessons are inspiring me. Love, Xocherina

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